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Multi-use body massage oil -
Aceite masaje multiusos
For all skin types, including eczema and dermatitis - Para todas las pieles, incluidas eczemas y dermatitis
100 % Organic & Vegan
42 g e. (includes paper packaging)
This Roll-on Massage Oil is a premium pure essential oil blend to calm and recharge the body and mind. It has a delightful aromatic scent that is refreshing, relaxing and uplifting. It is a perfect body massage oil to have at home or when you are on the move. It is super easy to use and carry around.
I use arnica oil as the base oil and blend it with five amazing essential oils to make this multi-use massage oil: lavender, peppermint, rosemary, marjoram and German chamomile. These essential oils are safe, widely used in aromatherapy, and renowned for their powerful healing and calming qualities.
This aromatherapy roller is 100% plant-based, organic and vegan friendly. It works well for all skins, including very dry or sensitive skin.
♥ Cools pain and tension on the skin and muscles.
♥ Relieves back pain, neck pain and menstrual pain.
♥ Anti-inflammatory: calms and reduces redness and dryness in the skin, preventing rashes, soreness and excessive itchiness.
♥ Relieves stiff painful joints.
♥ Speeds up wound healing (sores, cuts, brusies and burns).
♥ Relieves skin irritation caused by insect bites (e,g. mosquite bites) or sensitive skin condtions like eczema and dermatitis.
♥ Antiseptic - suppresses the growth of bacteria and germs and keeps the skin’s dermal barrier protected.
♥ Refreshing -improves concentration.
♥ Uplifts depressive mood or emotional fatigue.
♥ Relaxing and calming - lowers stress or anxiety level.
Benefits of arnica oil
Arnica oil is effective in treating the following complaints:
• Bruises and bumps
• Muscle and joint discomfort, sprains, rheumatism
• Back pain, neck pain, lumbago
• Aches and stiffness in the muscles
Aromatherapy - effectiveness of essential oils
Reduces back pain, heals bruises, boosts skin cell regeneration, heals wounds, boosts circulation, uplifts depressive mood, and relieves headache or migraine caused by tension or stress.
Reduces itchiness in the skin, inflammation and muscular pain (cooling effect), relieves muscle spasms in the abdomen, reduces headache and migraine, improves concentration, and lowers nervous stress.
Reduces muscular pain, eases inflamed joints, treats cuts, burns, insect bites, wounds and rashes, soothes eczema or dermatitis, and relieves migraine.
Soothes cramps or spasms (painful periods, indigestion), improves circulation, reduces muscular aches and stiffness, eases pains from strains, bruises and stiff joints, and calms nervous tension.
How to use
This massage oil roller is used for body massage and inhalation. It is powerful and long lasting, only a very small amount is needed.
• Remove the cap; roll the massage oil over the skin, muscles or joints. Gently massage the area with the metal roller where it is needed. You can apply it to the forehead, temples, shoulders, hands, knees, back, abdomen, legs or feet.
• Another way to use the massage oil is to sniff (inhale) it for a few times to relax your mind, uplift mood, refresh your senses, boost concentration, and reduce mental fogs.
This product is for external use only. Use with children under 6 is not recommended. Avoid eye area and mouth. Avoid use during pregnancy! Not to be used by epileptics!
To best preserve the essential oil’s therapeutic properties, keep the product in a cool dry place.
El Roll-on Aceite de Masaje Aromaterapia es 100% natural elaborado a base de plantas. Tiene una fragancia deliciosa que favorece tanto la relajación como la concentración. Es un aceite para masaje corporal perfecto para tener en casa o para salir de viaje, ya que es compacto y ocupa un mínimo espacio.
El aceite esencial de árnica está indicado para tratar las siguientes afecciones:
Aplicación del producto
Este aceite esencial aromaterapéutico es una solución efectiva y segura. Solo una pequeña cantidad es necesaria.
Destapar, rodar el aceite esencial sobre la piel, músculos y articulaciones. Masajear suavemente con el rodillo metálico del aceite esencial sobre la frente, sienes, rostro, cuello, parte superior del pecho, brazos, manos, espalda, piernas, abdomen y pies o sobre una zona concreta que precise tratar. Por favor, evite la zona de los ojos y boca.
* Ingredientes aprobados por la normativa reguladora de productos orgánicos con certificado de ECOCERT (EU) y Soil Association (UK).
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