Skin is the largest organ of human body. It plays a vital role in providing first layer of protection from external threats and attacks.
First of all, our skin acts as a barrier from the outside world, with the tissues being strong enough to protect us. It defends our body from infection by harmful microbes, like bacteria, viruses and fungi, and it also protects us from pollution. The inner layer of the skin also interacts with the immune system of our body and helps destroy micro-organisms. Our skin works as a protector in reducing sun damage; it carries melanin which helps to protect us against ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, the sweat glands in the skin release sweat onto the outer layer of skin, which then evaporates to reduce levels of the body heat. In short, skin is a key player in regulating our temperatures according to external environmental changes, so our body does not get over-heated or become too cold.
Invest in a good skincare routine for both men and women
Thanks to advances and innovation in science & technology, better medical care and education, women are not only living longer, but are also living better and more empowering lives. As the ageing population is continuing to grow, with an increasing number of men and women living well into their 80s in many countries, it has become evident that we also need to take good care of the largest human organ - our skin, as we get older. Good skin care deserves more attention than we think, not only for reasons of beautification but more importantly for the sake of our health. Not only should women invest in a good skincare routine, so too should men!
A few good habits in daily skincare routine will bring you noticeably positive results. In this post, I would like to bring your attention to two very important steps: cleansing and exfoliating for mature skin.
Wash your face with a quality cleanser day and night
A good skincare routine begins with using more natural, organic products, and that is the place where a suitable cleaner comes in. As we reach menopause, our skin will look and feel drier than it used to be; and cracks may appear too. This is mainly caused by a reduction in the production of sebum (natural body oil) which is excreted by sebaceous glands in the skin. An article from Harvard Medical School explains that "Sebum is a complex mixture of fatty acids, sugars, waxes, and other natural chemicals that form a protective barrier against water evaporation." Although men produce slightly more sebum than women, everyone’s sebum production declines with age. With the decline of sebum, you'll need to switch to a cream or oil based cleanser rather than a product which contains foaming agent. That is because foaming agent will strip away sebum and leave your skin drier after cleaning.
How about water temperature? Try to wash your face with cold or lukewarm water rather than hot water. Personally I avoid using cleaning wipes and cotton pads, as they tend to dry the skin surface and don’t clean thoroughly. I think our hands are the best tool to use when it comes to cleaning; you can sense how your face and neck feel each day and night, and at the same time give your skin muscles a nice dose of face massage and show your appreciation and care to this front line defender of our body!
Benefits of face massage
Face massage has multiple benefits regardless of what style you use. It is beneficial to all skin types; even you have a skin condition such as rosacea. Facial massage can help to:
Don't over-wash your face with different cleanser products. Keep it simple and enjoyable! Mature skin will start to show fine lines, wrinkling, dryness and sensitivity. There is no need to over-wash your face and neck. You clean it once in the morning and again in the evening. You can use the same cleaner for morning and evening. Obviously, in the evening you need to spend more time to clean your face properly if you wear make-up during the day. Don’t be tempted to skip the twice a day routine. Sweat, dirt, germs, dust and all the synthetic chemical components from make-up will build up on and inside your skin, hampering its optimal functions.
Choosing face cleanser products that are free from harsh synthetic ingredients such as:
Exfoliate your face with natural ingredients once a month
Consider adding a gentle plant-based exfoliator, such as ground-up rosehip seeds, pure raw coconut oil, organic oatmeal, cane sugar, frankincense or neroli essential oil to your skincare routine at least once a month to remove dead skin cells and impurity. Honey and yogurt are also two good natural ingredients to use if you are not vegan and not allergic to these ingredients. Regularly exfoliating your face, neck and body will shed dead skin cells, leaving your skin splendid and glowing. Moreover, it can help the beauty products in your routine absorb better and work quicker.
Add shea butter eye cream to your skincare kit
Pure unrefined shea butter has both moisturizing qualities and a protective property in sun protection because of its cinnamic acid component. This natural ingredient is recommended by dermatologists and aestheticians since it is easy to absorb, gentle to skin, and effective in slowing down skin ageing. Apply a shea butter eye cream day and night without fails to moisturize delicate eye area, to support collagen creation, to diminish hyper-pigmentation and wrinkles, and even to decrease sun damage.
No matter how old you are, it is never too late to start a good, simple skincare routine which works for your skin and budget!
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